Saturday, May 30, 2009

More beach shots

we wish that Emmy would have smiled for this one...

I love this picture!- click on it to make it big :)

Emmy and Daddy- so darling.

More Emmy and Momma

the locals LOVE the "shades"- they think that she is the cutest thing.
this is my favorite picture in the WORLD!

Sailor Family at the beach!

Emmy and Momma
Emmy's little face is so cute.


Emmy loves her life!

in a transport on the way to the market.

Emmy's favorite past time-- tickles from Daddy.
On the way to market.

oh so cute!

I hope she never gets teeth.


Jason loves these guys
this is a little crab on the side of our house- at first I thought it was a spider, but was happy it wasn't :)

another iguana...they paint numbers on the side to identify who is who...

Emmy in Logan's little turtle-- it was her favorite thing- so cute.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Emmy and her Shell

the black sand was oh so interesting...
she's kind of sitting like Tarzan here- hha!

so cute

look at that belly!


this was so fun! we found these fisherman taking fush out of their nets...
I was, of course, not looking where I was going and ran over this already dead crab with the stroller-- the crab guts on my wheel and the nasty crunching sound were NOT my favorite thing!

ok so my first near death experience in Dominica- yes it has something to so with the DINOSAUR sized spider you see captured in this photo-- so I was watching the show "So you think you can dance" when out of the corner of my eye I see something huge go running into our bedroom- I thought it was a mouse-seriously- let's just say that when I went to investigate and make friends with Fifel or Gus Gus- I was VERY disapointed... to make a long story short, after a large amount of praying, screaming and an entire can of bug spray later... monster spider was dead and Jamal (our sweet landlord guy) came flying up the stairs to save me- at least some male was there to help (of course once I had done the dirty work) since J was studying at school.

the birds where there to catch any left overs

there were so many fish- we loved it- some people were collecting to eat and some where collecting for bait.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Beautiful Girl...

she loves flowers- as all girls should :)
those eyes...

the river, the river!

I thought this was cute, because it looked like she was smelling them-- I think that she was trying to eat them (but forgot about the bink)

Jason is insisting that the "Island Princess-as her onsie calls her) tan WITHOUT her binkie for the next few days- I might agree with him; only because someone the other day asked what was wrong with the skin around her mouth and why wouldn't it tan-- wow.

Dominican moments

Ross and the Dominican flag- yeah.
Jason stopped to have Lunch with Emmy and I before he went to the lab full of bodies (gross)

Ross- love it!

a cashew fruit-- yes, that's the nut on the top.

the cutest little banana in the world- perfect portions for Emmy.

Emmy and Jason at the beach

Emmy needs a bra- yet again...

the no lips face happens even in the Carribean Sea!
Like father like daughter-- she has such a cute little cracky!

Emmy loves the "toss me in the air" game- so does Jason!



why so surprised?
her hair is coming in like crazy!

she always has her feet up like that and it delights the natives- they think that she is the funniest thing :)

happy beach days...

I was hoping that she would fall asleep- no such luck!