Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Odds and ends

A mouse ran in our front door!! I'm livid. I tore the house apart and can't find the little stinker. Goo.
Sunday fun
And email pic of papa- I just love this man!
We got a package and papa sent play dough-t he girls loved it and ems made a "papa face"
Grammy got the kiddies matching Jammies. Perfection!!
This is how Cavanaugh rides in style- I love this happy, sweet, rolly poley boy! 
We had a girls night out!!!! Whitney and I carpooled- I have to say, having fun friends is the best

School days

Ems got her report card and got straight A's!!! 
We also had parent teacher conference and she is doing so so well- the teacher said she was friendly and kind and outgoing. I couldn't have asked for a better report. 

Big days for miss Emmy

Emmy had her first field trip! They went to kaleidoscope by hallmark and came home with this cute card and several other crafts
She is my #1 helper with Cavan- I'm so thankful for her
It was her primary program day and she got a special card that let her go to the bishops office and get a big candy- she was over the moon and said her part perfectly. 

The world is better because of Ellie

Her undies were not on quite right- 
She cut off a piece of her braid- grrr
We were at the dollar tree and she walked up to me like this- with a face that said she knew how funny and adorable she was- and she was right.

Dance recital!!

The cutest thing 

And not to be left out- Callahan came running over yelling- "picture me! Cheese!"