Friday, April 16, 2010

Liz is leaving us- waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Sadly, Liz and Ben are two of Emmy's (and Jason and Liz's) favorite friends
and they are leaving us- I can't even think about it- because it makes me cry-
but I have LOVED having them share the Dominican experience with us
and wish them luck as they head of to rotations! hooray for them :)

Friday FUNday!

yes these are the friends we saw on the way to dinner- LOVE IT!
Emmy with her baby.

the newest obsession...

Emmy and Daddy playing twisty toss- a new flare on an old game :)

the night ended at the playground- with slides and playing with babies-
how could life get better?!

Emmy LOVES the SLIDE and her Daddy too!

fun discovery tonight!
YES- this is an awesome shot- the end.

She had to slide into Daddy's arms.
Look at how happy she is!

She also got braver as the night went on.

Here is my handsome husband and Ems trying to get back to the slide.

and Ode to the Curls!

oh my gosh!
the curls! the curls!

I love this sweetheart :)

Splashy! Splashy!

FUN friends :)
oh my adorable!

I just think that she is a doll :)

Emmy and Shane LOVE to play the splashy game- CUTE!

These two have so so so much fun together- I love it!