Saturday, October 2, 2010


For those of you not in Dominica- you DoN't know how fabulous this post is :) I've named my car Mocolate~
And Jason named his Vader- we found both of them on craigslist for AMAZING deals and are so so SO happy :)

Auntie Amber came to Miami!!!

Emmy was soooo happy to be reunited with her Auntie Amber- they are best friends!
Here she is crunching a bug-- she generally loves nature- minus the bugs.
Just some fun times at the pool- she is wearing my all time favorite swimming suit- it looks like cape cod- love it!
We ate and played and enjoyed each others' company.
Ems loved having 3 adults attention on her :)
Amber and I tried to recapture our high school days by taking cool pics-- these didn't turn out quite as we planned!
Jason was our photographer and then enjoyed the sun while the girls played :)
yet another AWESOME shot- believe it or not- these were by far and away the best ones...
Family pictures- I look huge- but the underwater factor was too good to pass up.
Again- not the most flattering- BUT when do we get a pic all together?!