Wednesday, September 23, 2009

we got a package and Emmy loves her backpack!

I'm sorry- but are you serious? my family found this teeny tiny mini backpack...
Emmy loved it!

I would say that the backpack made her march- but she always marches.

here she is- marching!

and again- she now only walk marches- she pretty much only crawls when she HAS to.


here she is showing off her backpack... and her newest trick-she can stand up from wherever she is at now and doesn't need something to pull up.
here she is loving her backpack and her pin!

she is so tiny that she fits under the table- ha!

i love her chubby belly and thin legs and arms- my friend said that she reminds her of a spider- I know not super flattering- but it's way better than a turtle with stubby legs!

POOL Party!

Emmy had so much fun at the pool today- here she is eating Avery's toy.
Emmy LOVED her daddy and Uncle Dave!

Ok- so this morning Emmy learned the sound for "what does a ghost say?" in honor of halloween... I will video her doing it - but here is her face when she makes the noise- so so cute!


we went swimming- how funny is this?!