Sunday, June 14, 2009

Huggin' Arms

Emmy loves her Huggin' Arms- our version of a high chair- thanks Mom!

Passion Fruit juice is a fav at our house...

Emmy looks forward to the last spoonful- she gets to feed herself and LOVES it!

our little puppy baby- why does she think that she has to eat EVERYTHING...

Happy 7 months Emmy!

she loves the pool and afterwards kicks nakey and eats her towel- its tradition!
I just thought that this picture was precious- thanks Grandma for the cute little dress!- its funny because it is still a little big- but she finally is starting to fit into some 6 month things :)

Pirates, snakes and cricket players

Emmy and I in front of a Cricket game
the Pirate Eye is still going strong here in Dominica

look at her little gummies!

a python- yes he obviously didn't win the battle against the transport...

like 4 or 5 feet long- wow!