Friday, June 26, 2009

Sleepy peepy- no she's not dead! :)

I thought this was HILARIOUS! I wish that we could have videoed when J was walking- she was flopping everywhere... so funny. PS look at my skinny husband's face-- it might be getting too severe.
the front view is almost better than the side- almost...

Emmy and Friends

Emmy and Kenley- they are great friends!
Little Miss "I love to stand by myself"- bless her heart- she tries to walk away- she doesn't get that we set her by things for support...

Cornelia, Kenley,Emmy, and Jesse- Cornelia and I get to visit teach Jesse (and Kenley) making all of us-most especially Emmy-very happy.

what a little cutie pie she is-- so funny! also check out the ankle crease- she is about 18.5 pounds (putting her in the 50th percentile for weight)- dense little thing- but I could have told you that lugging her around the island!

the green things in the bag are canips-- our favorite fruit of the moment :)