Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Dollar store fancy.

There were kid sized press on nails at the Dollar Store- and 24 came in a pack-- the girls LOVED them
They even stayed on for a couple of hours ;) 
The Dollar store was also selling chalk for hair--- both ems and Elles are over the moon for their pink valentine streaks ;) 

Valentine's Sunday!

Grammy got the girls the cutest dresses of all time-- 
Looking adorable for valentine's Sunday ;) 

The dentist!!! First time for both

We finally have dental insurance!! 
The office had this cool ship in the reception area-- I want Jason to make us one.

Ellie's little teeth
Emmy's little teeth- he guessed she would start losing teeth for another year- hip hip hooray!
Ellie did sooo well- and needs a crown :( she has a tooth the had a deep pit-- meaning it just didn't form correctly and therefore got a cavity in it-- it's her molar- boo.
Getting x rays like a brave girl! 
Ellie got to pick her fluoride flavor and she chose strawberry 
Emmy chose birthday cake for her fluoride flavor 
Wearing her sticker- she was so proud
"X-ray today" sticker 
Ems woke up early this morning and the first words out of her mouth were "dentist day!!" It was like Christmas-- and it didn't disappoint ;) 

Family evening walks always are an adventure!

Callan exploring with daddy
A kid caught an alligator gar right before we got to the bridge- the girls were intrigued to say the least. 
Nasty things 
Feeling it's tough skin
Emmy was all up in its business -- whole Elles was a little more nervous
Callan tried to stomp on it.
It was warm so we explored a trail in the woods-- this ended with Callan running into the creek and us heading home-- because 62* feels warm- until you are sopping wet in icy waters--