Sunday, November 22, 2009

a "not so elligible bachelor" dinner

after Dinner we played cards- 500 rumi- fun times :)
pretzels that Jason made- yum yum!

i had to include this- just because of Jesse's face :)

then we passed out and had a Sunday afternoon nap-
here are Jesse, Emmy and Bryce... sleepy peepy 1,2 and 3!

a fun day ending at Rituals

enjoying yet another new outfit!
yet again doing something funny with her legs- what a little poser.

i LOVE that she is holding Jason's hand here- so so so cute. :)

Emmy- loving the food and her Daddy!

the most exciting thing in Emmy's opinion- even though today consisted of:
waking up early and snorkeling (Emmy played in the ocean and
tried to eat sea snails that she would pry off of rocks)
stopping at the ward activity and saying hello
taking a nap
going swimming at the pool
eating with Dad
going to the hot tub in the DARK= hiking through the jungle in the dark
shopping at Tina's
playing like CRAZY
going to sleep!