Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Emmy and the Ellie Belly-

My friend is pregnant and did a photo shoot like this- I think it's the cutest idea ever- so I copied it!

Any time she's ready...

It's official- Ellie can come any time- I finished her car seat and Kiddie Cover-probably my favorite one that I've made- so now it is time to use them!
Here is Penelope's nursery~ it's not much, but I think that the fairies add a nice touch- and it's a LOT more spacious than where she has spent her life up to this point!

Emmy has a pretty fun life!

If she isn't playing with her Uncle Josh or Booky- then she is playing with her Papa~ I feel like I always capture her with everyone else- but I finally got a pic with Papa- she LOVES spending time with him!

Just too cute!

Emmy's latest love is Flinstone kids vitamins- she is so sad that she can only have one a day- and she says it's for her Ellie and pats her tummy- obviously, I have been taking prenats and tums for far to long now...
This pic isn't so cute in the traditional sense of the word- but when it comes to "rat face" smiles- I think that Emmy's is to die for.
And this is the reason for this post's name- I just can't stand how cute my little Emmers is- she adores her shopping cart and always has at least 3 things in it- this time it was 2 babies and a my little pony- you can't go wrong.

The rest of the LUNT/Frederick reunion!

The little BFFS reunited- they were so cute and loved each other!
This is a new FAV pic of mine- it's like one of those "I spy" pictures...something society judges to be important is missing... can you find it?
Jason and Liz- aaaahhhhhh- It's actually so nice to have a pic of the 2 of us- THANK YOU PAIGE!
more BFFS- it was so fun to be with the Lunts in AMERICA and we can't wait to share the same soil with them after this next semester is over- whoot whoot!
It was a happy happy day!