Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Rice Crispy heart!

Emmy's friend, Avery Jenkins made us a PINK rice crispy heart treat are you serious? (you can see Emmy is a little sick with the bags under her eyes.)
so cute! Emmy loved it- during the picture she didn't know that she could eat it-

she thought it was a toy- after I took the pics we let her taste it- it was delicious! Jason, Dave, Emmy and I ate it in like 5 minutes :)

Thanks Jenkins family! what a fun treat- :)

after such a sleepy day I couldn't have come up with a better ending...

cutie pie!

I know she doesn't look sick- she still is happy- how cute!
the constant kissy/fish face- I love it!

this editing software is great!

Emmy playing with her headbands yet again.

isn't she cute!?
this just happened- so funny- it is the prettiest tail I've ever seen.

she is so funny.

she is still sick so we did a lot of playing inside today-- hence the headband extravaganza!

she really does love to play- sick or not.