Saturday, November 29, 2014

Callahan magoo

Eating/using my Chapstick 
Under the bed
Inside the drawer I keep the princess dresses in... 
He rearranged all of the furniture at Cfa- such a silly 

Peanut butter delight

My kids know their letters- thanks to bp delight and leap frog
It's a favorite breakfast treat
And Ellie's top choice for every meal, snack, or dessert. Hands down 

Getting to know kc-- old phone pics

In my phone there are waaay too many pics 
I did this as a little kids- aaaaahh 
He simply adores her
We went to the market down town and had some benets- yum 
Cute little Sunday boy with the crazy hair
Callan being the world's cutest cutie
Cavan- with his crazy hair again
At the park

Little best friends 
At the farm

At the plaza- getting some good luck!
Playing at the crowne center