Monday, April 30, 2012

 We got to go to Disney AGAIN!!!! Animal Kingdom- and Magic Kingdom-- LOVE! Emmy loved Pluto- Ellie-- hated him-- as with all characters.
 We got to see the Lion King show- Emmy was moved.
 Elles was in love with Mary Lee -- her favorite friend!
 Emmy sang along~
 She is very bird obsessed at the moment- thanks to Rio- needless to say-- after this show- she has found her future career/calling-- and is soooooo excited to be the Lion King Bird.
 Emmy and Daddy got to go on the grown up water ride-- she loved it!
 What a little goofy.
 Disney has EVERYTHING- including wild alligators.
 A Disney cleaning lady scared Elles- she then brought out this MONSTER cookie from Mickey--
 best day ever.
 One of the many highlights was meeting Tinkerbell!!!! She was sooo excited.
 We met Rosetta.
 But Tink was the love of Emmy's life-- she even gave her sparkles!
 Emmy always has to be in this stupid thing-- I figured I'd finally get a picture of the little coo coo
 enjoying Winnie the Pooh's house!

And we even danced with Baloo-- great great times! THANK YOU to our generous friends!

More Beach Days

 The little naturalist-- found a Portuguese Man of War-- a HORRIBLE stinging jellyfish.
 She didn't touch it-- luckily-- but LOVED it!
 Elles loved playing "where is my foot?" with Booky in the sand-- there's nothing more fun than burying body parts!
 Daddy made the world's most beautiful sand castle for the girls-- they loved it.
 and loved the demolition even more...

seriously--they got into the destruction.

Auntie Amber!

 We got to play with Auntie Amber!!!

 We met at a beach/lakefront and splash pad-- the girls remembered and adored their Auntie Amber.

Water babies-- with a favorite friend! It was so fun to see her-- we love our Auntie Amber!

Splash pad fun!

 While in FL-we enjoyed many splash pad moments-- HAPPY!