Thursday, August 27, 2009

Our fun day at Tragfalgar Falls and TiTu Gorge!

Here are some shots of Dave and Jason at Trafalgar Falls- they are in the bottom left hand corner- also on the trail. This place was incredible!
Jason had a fun day in the rainforest- the clear water is at the beginning of Ti Tu Gorge- such a fun spot- you swim through a cave and at the end of it there is a water fall- it's in Pirates 2 when the crew is swimming through a Gorge and the natives are shooting them from above... it was so fun- but very dark so our pics aren't great- we will try to salvage some for another entry later!

Trafalgar Falls! Our new favorite attraction- Ti Tu Gorge is our second favorite...

Here we are on the way to the Falls- the tube pic is on the was to Ti Tu Gorge (a different place) and let's just say that Emmy and Uncle Dave are BEST Friends!
a couple of fam pics- more to come!

Dave is in Dominica!!! Hooray- he loves it! the clear water and strange bridge pics are at Ti Tu Gorge- fun!

More Fam pics- loving the hot springs- nothing like a natural hot tub! :)

Finally a vertical family picture- HOORAY!- It's trafalgar falls behind us- this place was GORGEOUS and so so fun.

Trafalgar Falls! Our new favorite attraction.

Emmy loved the waterfalls- here she is exploring "on her own"...
The HOT springs- yes you read correctly- there are 2 waterfalls- one is hot and one is cold- Seriously?! It was amazing!

Emmy felt like she could stand up all alone on an uneven rock-wow.

Emmy and Daddy loving the natural hot tubs of Dominica!