Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Papa and Josh finally get to hold Cavan

 They stopped by to see him at the hospital (on the way out of town) but couldn't hold or touch Cavanaugh because they were covered with the kids' germs... when we got down to Florida they finally could hold him whohooo!!!

Yellow flowers and "coming home/meeting outfits"

 We found a GORGEOUS field of yellow flowers-- which matched the kids' special "meeting Cavan" outfits that they still hadn't worn  yet...
 It was on the way back from the splash pad (hence the swimming suit) and before the egg dying-- it was impromptu-- luckily, I had the shirts in the car!

Callan needed a nap and was positively ROTTEN...
 Ellie was in her own world for most of these shots-- in this pic she is literally singing.

 here I am in all my splash pad exhausted glory-- but I've never been so happy!
this is after Callan ran away crying-- but the girls were cute ;)