Monday, July 26, 2010

a day in the life of Emmy!

Her baloon got loose- I love that face.
tragedy. BUT who gets to ride a zebra while eating a popsicle while playing with a balloon.

Those legs! ah! and yes= that might be Macaroni Grille that she is eating...

Our hike with the CUB SCOUTS!

It's cub scout camp=and hike we did! this is the "welcome" sign- ha!
Here is one of the before mentioned banana spider!
Here I am in the muddy swamp- please note my HUGE baby and the blocks that you had to jump on so you didn't drown in the mud. WOW.
Jason hates this pic!
Wild Florida grapes= yum!

Gator wrestler!

Emmy came over with this fake gator- so funny- she held it just the right way :)

the cutest girl in the world!

I can't even stand it :)
we were on a hike and Ems LOVED it!

I can't even stand it!