Sunday, March 9, 2014

Aaaaaaah beach days!

I just love beach days

Maybe my favorite picture of these cute sisters

Best friends- most of the time

Aren't they cute!
Maybe my favorite picture 

Fun adventures at the park and outside fun!

Oh this Callahan boy

Could you die?

I could eat him alive
He was a beasty at target- and the only way we wasn't crying was if he had every ball in target in physical contact with him.

Callan's version of a selfie-- love this

My Ellie belly boo boo

She is so funny and often wears her flip flops like this.
I walked in to the front room and Elle's was asleep like this-- doesn't look all that comfy- but she is one sleepy girl
My very favorite garden fairy 
Just waking around with her best friend uncle josh 
Here she is celebrating spring because she found this flower- I love her!

Emmy the artist

Emmy made a thank you card for one of booky's neighbors-- who gave her a pink dress. Here is a pic of the card- notice Emmy with her dress and the neighbor- and Jesus (in blue) up above- and the 2 rainbows 
"Daddy's work" - built by Emmy 
Playing house with transformers 
Ems caught "Apple " her green chameleon.