One of cavan's favorite places to be is in this little hammock under his chair-- he likes to sit there, play with toys, find old food to eat... And that little baby pointer finger melts me.
Double fisting the suckers.
Cavan is our worst sleeper yet-- he is crazy active and whiny while sleeping. On the upside, we've got some fun sleeping pictures and stories already!
His profile is baby sleep perfection
Cavanaugh always wakes up rosy and dewy-- one of my favorite things about babies in general- and especially him
His favorite place to be is playing in the toilet. Here he is raging at me that I closed it before he could get to it.
The token- "fell asleep in his high chair pic" everyone has one-- or at least should have one.
His rotten little teeth peeked through at like 8-9 months- by far the earliest in our family.
Again-- the beauty of a sleeping baby is beyond compare.
uncle Dave brought back some toys for us from his Asia trip. Cavan LOVED his-- here he is offering it up to Buddha.