Friday, November 1, 2013

Odds and ends and the Halloween store

Emmy colored this so well!'
We got some stickers back from our sticker chain letter- that's 2 now!!!
Ellie woke up for a little midnight party juice drinking was on the schedule--and I love that she sleeps with her purse and necklace on
Emmys cute little fingers Ellie's cute little toes
Ellie came out of the bedroom with this lipgloss on-- she is just so glamorous 
Not the happiest waker upper
Best friends- they love to play together - I love it
My little pineapple princesses
Circus in full hula regalia- at 9:00am
Princess hero wear- heaven for my girls!
Nothing better than a Halloween store
Masks on little bodies are just so funny to me
Also creepy
And unsettling...

Callahan Fox-- such a delight

This kid is the craziest climber
Darth Vader helmet hair
Cutest boy alive

Never without his toothbrush 
Loving his daddy
And sister
Crazy runner
Chews on everything!!

My favorite new Whiney face
Climbed up there all by himself
Right before his shots
He was so happy
After his shots
He was miserable!! That day and night- horrid- but then the next morning was happy as a clam-- no knots or anything!

Halloween odds and ends!

Art by Emmy 
Apple crisp- ah!!
Halloween breakfast- including gummy slugs- yuck!
The cutest little pirate alive.
We got free Krispy Kreme donuts for being dressed up!! Then we went to Daddy's work to visit and bring him a donut
Emmy's friend Chloe from church was her her costume twin!! 
We've done a LoT of dressing up lately- especially because the nights are long when daddy goes I around 5:30 and the days are long with him sleeping...


Emmy's baby preying mantis- she was hoping that I could fashion a leash for it to wear...
"Milapa" Ellie's daddy long legs
Bubble the snail
Cherry the butterfly
Jumpy the grasshopper -- life is so fun with creatures around!

The mouse

Yes- there is a little mouse in our house- I saw him once out of the corner of my eye- no one else did and it became a but of a family joke- with me as the butt- and then- it leapt out of a huge plastic tub- right at Jason's face-and then ran into the hole I knew it had run into last time!  I will be honest, I was delighted- well as delighted as you can be with a rotten little furry friend  around. Emmy really was delighted- she is over the moon!!! She had even set a trap for it... 
Please note-I'm loving the tempting banana and fake food cheese... That, along with the blue light to lure him out- I'm shocked she hasn't found him sitting in there- waiting for her to set the dish upright and put the lid on it ;) 

Halloween costumes.

Halloween is a fun time-- we did Star Wars for "not so scary"
The snow queen Elsa
EWOK, Darth Vader, Aurora
Serena the mermaid, and 2 pirates- I was  princess lea and a pirate- Jason was Han Solo and a doctor ;) -- actually Halloween night he was working - but i counted his uniform as a costume anyways!