Sunday, April 29, 2012

 Dying our Easter eggs-- good times as always!

 I LOVE the South- the end.
 The Easter Bunny hopped his way to Florida-- and found us!

 We got an Easter package from Annie- Ryan-and Susan--- both girls were DELIGHTED!
 It had the cutest hen that sang and layed eggs.
THANK YOU THANK YOU for making Easter even MORE special-- Mrs. Hen is now going to be an Easter tradition!
see- DELIGHTED!!!!
 We were lucky enough to go to 2 Easter Egg hunts-- one with Daddy- and no Papa- and one with Papa and no Daddy-
 Miss Elle Belle's FIRST hunt-- she loved it!
 And refused to relinquish her basket.

 She actually shook the eggs- and hucked the empty ones-- ha!

 She then GORGED herself...
 Emmy LOVED the hunt--


Peggy from Publix!

Our FAVORITE Publix lady-- with her favorite Publix Baby! We love Peggy.

Fun times with Papa

 Life in Florida is FUN-mostly because Papa plays with tents- wagons AND feeds the catfish!!

 Jason and I had a ROAD TRIP!!! It was a bit of a blur-- because J was tired and I was VERY sick!
 we saw lots of pretty things...
 and listened to the whole last 2 books of the Hunger Games...
 and ATE our way through the US-- but if I don't eat-- I barf...
We also dealt with a LOT of horrid weather--  like blizzards and tornatos-- yay-- the ones in Texas that destroyed the state- we were there! BUT we made it safe and sound-hooray!