Monday, December 5, 2011

The move~

Our move was a little while ago- but I'm catching up and it was classic so I needed to post this-- we had given our 30 day notice so that our last day was Thursday- the ward was coming Thursday night after work to help us move- Friday morning was the walk through- we then dropped off the moving van and right afterwards we left for LA to meet Justin, Bran Bran and crew at Mickey's Halloween Party at 4:00pm-- insanity right? All in all it went off without a hitch-- Jason had a VERY intense schedule at the time-- meaning I got to pack up the house (a lot we left packed) while wrestling with 2 little darlings under 2- fun times-- I got everything packed and arranged and even managed to make halloween costumes-- I was feeling pretty good about myself-- until mayhem ensued-- in a miriad of little situtions-- I captured just a few of them on film- enjoy.

Yes-- she is sucking on a sucker-- not the best choice- but MUCH better than the lightbulbs in the picture that I found her sucking on-- but did not photograph.

Our new house-- love it!

Our Super hero ward came through for us and the move was VERY fast!

OK- so all of these items were things I found my children with-- and didn't stop to take a picture-- Emmy was marching around with the hatchet crowbar- like it was her flagstaff in colorguard. Ellie was sucking on the food processor blade- it's a miracle she still has a tongue. Both girls had nails in their mouths, ears and other bizarre places-- what were they thinking?! And so, though I was mother of the year for just a moment-- the title has been revoked-- BUT I think I deserve honorable mention for keeping the kids whole when they were so obviously bent on self destruction.

The apartment from Hades~

We have since moved-- and I try to stay positive on this blog-- but I feel like this should be preserved for history's sake. Understand that it still was a palace compared to Dominica-- but we are in the USA now and certain standards are expected to be met.

Here it is-- really- it would have been fine~minus the guy above us who OD'd and died and the fact that there was no mailbox for a while-- not to mention the lack of hot water and a fridge when we moved in...or that the people above us smoked like chimneys and would drop their cigarettes on us or that there was a black widow crawling up the wall from the floor or that the swimming pool was condemned and closed by the HEALTH DEPARTMENT-to point out a few.

now this is petty- but notice the doors on the cabinet-- NONE of them shut- in the whole irritation that quickly flew into a full blown deal breaker after a few shin hits and near misses with the girls finding dangerous things.

All of the electric switches looked like this-- wait for it... yep-- 2 prongs-- you would be SHOCKED at how many things are NOT 2 pronged- TV's, computers, and microwaves to name a few.

and last but not least-- this was the stove-- the place was built in the 1950's-- and I'm fairly certain this was the latest and greatest at that time... not so much now. Needless to say- I don't miss it-- and I'm happy that we gave the land lady our 30 day notice the second day that we lived there.

Auntie Amber's package!!!

I know it is waaaay after Halloween- but I finally found these pictures- long story.

Auntie Amber sent us a package-- Emmy was delighted.


There were sooo many fun presents and it was so thoughtful.

THANK YOU Amber!!! We loved everything!