Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Batibou Bay MOVIE!

my amaizng friend Jessie not only dresses like I do ;)~this is for real- we didn't even plan it! (and in "real life" the colors were an exact match~ she also makes great videos and was kind enough to make this one for me- we love the Bergs!

More of Beautiful Batibou Bay!

ah! so pretty :)
the hike down was a little long- but fun :)

yes- I love it- we went to the bus stop in Portsmouth and paid 5 EC each to get there- I know- WHAT! how much wasted money on hiring transports... ANGRY. BUT- now I am happy that I know and we can party for cheap for this semester at least!
This was at the end of the day- Emmy is asleep on Daddy's shoulders.
She is so cute!
Emmy is in love with Batibou too!

She is a kooky runner lately- she really likes it when you chase her and she thinks it's hilarious!
I love this face :)

running around with a baby coconut in her mouth-weirdy!

there was this cool palm hut that was made on the beach- neat!

Jason says I have an attitude when I wear sunglasses or that I think "I'm cool"~WOW.

I just think this is such a sweet picture :)

The last of Grandpa and Grandma Frederick~

Dominican pride-

THANK YOU again to Grandpa Larry and Grandma Diana for coming
all the way to Dominica to see us AND for your amazing generousity!
We are so happy we got to see you and had a GREAT time- thank you
again- we love you! :)
Emmy and Grandma hugging and kissing- so cute!

Kisses for Grandpa!
and then more- but I missed it- poop- still a cute pic though :)
Emmy loved walking on the retaining wall-
of course she did... it seemed dangerous and
kind of involved balancing!
Her new thing is to make this crazy "oh my" face-
I have to say it might be my favorite yet!

such a doll- doesn't it look like the clouds are eminating from her?

Sadly, all good things must come to an end.
Here they are waving goodbye- waaaa!
Thanks again for the fun presents and for
the fun day!
We love you and Emmy misses you already.

more fun times...

After Trafalgar Falls we went to Scottshead
(where the Caribbean Sea meets the Atlantic Ocean)
and then on to lunch!
the loves of my life!

Emmy got to go on her first elevador ride!
(I just remembered that she went on one at the airport-
but this is the first time she was alert and awake)
BEAUTIFUL Scottshead-we also saw 4 sea turtles!

we had some time to talk...

and enjoy each others company.

Emmy LOVED the holding hand swing game.

It was such a nice time.
yeah- she really loved it.

FUN FUN times with Grandma and Grandpa :)

Dominica loves the Fredericks!
here we are on our way to meet G and G!
then we went to Trafalgar Falls-
let the fun times begin!
it was all fun and games until Emmy threw
her lovey off the side of the deck...
thankfully Grandpa hiked down to get it

her then became Emmy's hero!
I thought this one was so cute-
Emmy loved having them here :)

Enjoying the natural hot tubs~

and enjoying them some more...

and even more- we accidentally left her suit in the van
(a LONG hike back-not worth it!)

Aren't they cute! tomorrow is their 3 year anniversary- time flies.