Friday, July 10, 2009

We have a smurf bathroom too...

Kelly!! here is it...

He didn't clean up at all...this is the little side area inside of the bedroom.
kitchen and front door.

bedroom - I am standing in the little side area next to the bathroom.

front room

front room from the front door- the kitchen is out of the shot to my right

happy girl!

the glee is so cute to me :)

adventures in Dominica.

Emmy loves her rings
Josh and iguana number 643

Josh kayaking all over the Carribean Sea- look at him go!

Crabby crab.

yes those are Josh's hands...
and his finger

he was hard to capture, but worth it!

Mr. Crab has a beard-

Mangos deserve a huge round of aplause!

Emmy- mid clap- "I'm so happy!!"
messy messy mango.

these are backward- the last is first chronologically

the beginning of it all :)