Thursday, September 11, 2014

We've been spilling a LOT lately.

I don't even know I how I did it- but chocolate milk. Everywhere. Jason caught most of it- but it still got on the walls- the windows- the chandelier... 
And who knows how Emmy did this little party!

My little sillies

Emmy got some free ballon animals- named Cheeto and jewel- and her constant companions for quite some time.
Cavan LOVES his toes- loves them- and even managed to get them out of his jammies
Ellie dressed herself- 2 skirts- leopard mittens- a sequin slap braclet- I just love her.
She requested this picture be taken-- so I don't know why the long face is present 
Sleeping with his Book of Mormon- this cute boy- that's it. 

Happy birthday to me!!! Part 1 of 2

33! My friend got me glasses

I got a $40 gift card from ikea! Whoot whoot.
It was opening day at ikea- of face painting 
Yummy food

And free balloons!!!