Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Happiness is~

Fruit gum!
Sleeping wherever you want.
My first pecan pie (delish!).
Awesome street names.
"Good Girl" treats.
Eating toes.
Flowers from my husband.
Sleeping whenever you want.
Dressing alike.
Sleeping in strange positions.
The Krispy Kreme light buring bright!

It's a Bug's life...

The infamous Spider and Cada~ yes- one morning, we woke up and this little bit of lovely was outside our window- let's just say that Emmy was ecstatic to say the least and often tells the story of the "Spider and the Cada"
Going with the insect theme~ we found Mr. preying mantis outside of Hobby Lobby... Emmy again was delighted...
He was huge and kept us busy for a LONG time.
Until he hated us and flew directly into Emmy's face-- we both SCREAMED and then laughed so hard-- and she said "He didn't know me! I thought I was going to eat him! ha ha ha ha" (in a high hysterical voice that was a little panicky and I have to say I felt the same way ;)

Ellie is my favorite 7 month old!

This post is mostly about Elle Belle- soooo I thought I would start with a shout out for Miss Ems- I love her and she is amazing- and she gets cuter every day!
Ellie loves to blow raspberries-- she sounds like a motor boat ;)
Penelope Jane-- at 7 months, you stopped breast feeding (literally on your 7 mo b day- last feeding)~
You babble all of the time~
You can sit up~
You love to skoot but not crawl~
You love to eat~
You roll everywhere~
You are delightful!
You understand the words BaBa and "are you hungry?" and get super excited when I say them~
You LOVE LOVE music and always dance when you hear it~
You love your sister and are VERY patient with her~
All in all, I couldn't ask for a sweeter, prettier or more fun little friend to have around- I love you and LOVE to send time with you and kiss your edible cheeks and thighs! ah! you are perfect xoxo