Sunday, April 3, 2011

Ellie is 2 months and lots of fun!

best friends!
isn't she the cutest?! and as a side note I am very proud of myself- I made the background blanket- so even months are going to be black and white and odd are brown and pink- ha ha ha

Is she note just the most darling little mouse?! I love her ;)


Ems is in heaven!
we waited in line and Emmy just got more excited with every passing second...
Emmy now does this with anyone who will sit with her-she is the princess and you are the guest- she greets you, talks about your dress, asks you how you are, waits for you to ask her about her prince, then gives you a hug and says goodbye and waves- it's hilarious.

Ems is such a fan of Disney- if we don't go- talking about it fills our days- it's just such a fun time in our lives!