Sunday, April 3, 2011


Ems is in heaven!
we waited in line and Emmy just got more excited with every passing second...
Emmy now does this with anyone who will sit with her-she is the princess and you are the guest- she greets you, talks about your dress, asks you how you are, waits for you to ask her about her prince, then gives you a hug and says goodbye and waves- it's hilarious.

Ems is such a fan of Disney- if we don't go- talking about it fills our days- it's just such a fun time in our lives!


Jessie said...

matix looked at these pics and i said "oh, matix, we could go there and you could hug a princess." he answered, "no, kiss! i kiss a princess," when i asked which one, he pointed to emmy!! aww! so the fairy tale begins.

Beach Borchardts said...

dreams come true dreams come true dreams come truuuuuuuuue!

Josh and Kelly said...

what a lucky, lucky, little girl!!!

Beach Borchardts said...

What little girl goes from life on a beautiful Caribbean Island to princesses and Mickey Mouse?? She'll never be able to live a real life!!