Thursday, September 10, 2009


blowing out my candle- Lucy is helping- how cute is that!
Logies loving his foot and life in general- of course he is!

the Jenkins and Princes- we love them for many reasons- but one of the top is that they gave me Coke for my birthday!-also a little Wyatt thrown in there. - Chels is not in one pic- making me very sad- because she took the photos= a true friend- so thank you thank you Chels and we will have to get island cute and have a friend photo shoot!

Kelly, Amanda, Bernard, Bryce, Logan, Dave, Elders- you name it! what fun!

Happy Birthday to me! Jason made the MOST DELICIOUS banana chocolate chip cup cakes with homemade- yes by him- vanilla frosting- here is everyone singing to me- I love that Avery is obviously singing her little heart out- as she has done all day- and Tate is so very cutely contemplating if she should sing or not! what fun sweet little girls we have right now- they bring me such joy!

What a GREAT birthday!

one of my gifts! doesn't it look so perfect that it looks fake- like one of those donuts from nursery- thanks Jessie- I LOVE it!-*please note the halloween table cloth- yep fall here we come!
tired tired girl!

2 other presents- how fun- I am so so happy- do my friends know me or what?! donuts, COKE (there's nothing better) 2 CARDS (so thoughtful) and birthday candles (just plain fun!)- hooray hooray!

Tan little Emmy in between outfits- and feeling VERY serious...

Dave's new tea light idea- and one of my presents...

it's a sea urchin- yes the spiney guys all over in the ocean- isn't he amazing!


Happy Birthday to me! love Daisy and Jason.
Dave is so talented at arranging :)