Friday, May 28, 2010


this is the note we got today!
included were ransom pictures...

BUT what these little bandits don't know~ is that Emmy has 3 (count them 3) of Matix's BOATS! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha (in a VERY evil tone!)

New favorite pictures...

*THIS* is my new favorite picture- I just love it!
Here are a few of the runners up...

What a fun little day- we love our beach moments!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Weirdy Wednesday!

Many of my friends have cute weekly things for their blogs i.e. "making me happy Mondy" or "5 fun facts Friday" I adore this idea~ after some thought I have decided to have "Weirdy Wednesday" ~ due to the strangeness of my life and most especially my daughter; I found this title appropriate. HOWEVER- today I thought that I would post pics of the sidewalk (that we walk on MANY times a day) collapsing into the earth!- yes you read correctly- the sidewalk FELL into the earth- check out the power pole (that still has live wires attached to it)... OH DOMINICA!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What a fun life we have :)

Who even knows what Ems and Matix are planning on doing in this cabinet...
They are so cute together.

Matix looks like a little cat that just caught a bird~

Such a fun time-we are trying really hard to make it to play group this semester and it has been GREAT! So many moms and kids...

Emmy and Matix exploring- a favorite past time.

peek- a - boo sweeties :)
I realized that Hawken doesn't get much attention on our blog- he is Emmy's "baby" and Matix's little brother- he not only lets Emmy borrow clothes and binkies when needed, he is adorable AND he lets Emmy hold him for the few seconds she wants to- and I emphasize seconds!

My Life...

This is my life- Emmy exploring while I try to capture it!
I LOVE this pic- Emmy hates her rain cover- but look how she is sitting-that's the best part.


Emmy is a little silly thing!
no- we don't have glitter on our faces- it's dew or a healthy glow (as we say in the south)

such a little cutie!
I scream~ you scream~ we ALL scream for ice cream- Heaven has come to the island in the form of a new little ice cream shoppe... so very happy!


gruesome- at least 5 inches spread out...
I really just love these wild lizards- they are so neat.

mango season- hip hip hooray!

the coastline that is our view- fabulous!
Giant leaves- yes- we live in a rainforest...

Some kind of bird that always shows up when the fishermen come in.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Oh so cute!

LOVE this face.
little cutie love...

she looks so old- wa!
Playing with Matix- they have so much fun!

I think this hairdo is DARLING!
again- so cute.
Her little profile is edible~

Captured moments- I love pictures!

Shane and Emmy= BFF
I love this picture- it's great- look at each kid's face.

puppies- Emmy is in love.
Messy messy.

Taking a nap~love it.

Beef Oolagong soup- a favorite at our house :)
Skyping Abi's birth- I was there too- but I'm behind the camera...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Oh! How we love rocks~

Today we went to our friends' (Wyatt and Jesse) football game-
It was VERY fun and Emmy thought she was in heaven.
Emmy has lots of "rock friends"~
This may have been the happiest moment in her life!