Friday, May 30, 2014

Panama City work retreat!!!

A friend brought this camera and got some pics of us- 
I love them!
And how thoughtful to spend his beach time capturing us-- that being said- look! It's our WHOLE family!!! I love it.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Florida post

Ellie got an horrible bug bite
Who knows what it was- but I think it was a scorpion - she is such a trooper though :) 
I stayed home with my sweet baby and the kids enjoyed church with Booky, papa and josh ;) 
Josh and Emmy made This awesome tackle box

Emmy caught this cameloen 
Lizard catching!
FHE about the temple-- emmy's drawing is the top and Ellie's is the bottom-- they are such little artists!

Summer time fun!!

Summer time = 
Catching things- (Vampire- our newest pet) 
Eating guacamole with no clothes on
Catching bubbles - sometimes in our mouths...
Picking berries
Lots of berries 
Walking in the woods 
And best of all- playing outside!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Family evening walk=picking blueberries

Callan alone ate half again this amt of berries-- it was craziness!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Little Emmy coo coo!

Showing me her hurt lip.
She made this ensemble on her own- I love her 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Blackberries and springtime

We went on a walk and found blackberries!!! 
We've been spying them unrippened all over.
And then we found some that were ready!! 
The kids ate more than the put in the bowl...
And then they finished off the bowl too!
I don't have a pic of Cavan and I because he also decided he needed to eat and I thought I would spare the world from a breast feeding pic. You are welcome.
I just love these little people and springtime! 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

We love Amber!

We are so thankful that Amber came to visit us! It was a great day filled with fun, photos, prizes and friends.