Monday, December 8, 2008

Naked Baby

Click on the "Nakey Emmy" slideshow for her very first photoshoot! There are a few random pictures in the show too. Enjoy! PS- Try to ignore the overweight naked man in the background...


Robbie + Carly said...

How cute! i've got to see her in person!

Beach Borchardts said...

why is this baby so cute>!>!>!>!>! oh my heck!!!!!!

Jaydee lady said...

Hi...I am an old friend of the Frederick's. I would love to keep in contact. My blog is Emmy is such a cutie. You look like a great mom and I am sure Jason is a loving being a dad. Leave you address/email on my blog so I can send you Christmas cards and stuff.

Jaydee Sheppard