Monday, August 31, 2009

Bense Pool!

Bense Pool was very pretty- but I didn't love the hike in.
Here is the hike in- yes- straight down and consequently, later- straight up.

thanks Jason and Dave for carrying Emmy the whole way!

My cute husband! Eating Emmy's bink- of course he is.

Emmy can sleep anywhere!


Beach Borchardts said...

It's a good thing she can sleep anywhere cuz she has to!! ha! Jason is looking young and svelt and studly!

nicole said...

wow so pretty.....You guys sure get your workouts in over there don't you! I love hiking i'm so jealous......wish I could be in on all these adventures with you cause you know i'd be there in a sec.....not so sure about how carrying Hela's would go....Levi would definately have to come along:) said...

The ability to sleep anywhere on the go is directly related to the activity level of the great parents who offer adventure rather than the easy alternatives.
I can always remember people saying to your Mother and I
Wow we didn't even know that was there, how did you find the time for that adventure, Does Liz nap where ever you are? How did you teach her that? Our little ones need their T.V. Air Conditioning, and there special bed.

Unknown said...

Both definitely STUD MUFFINS! Dave
must be loving his life! I'm glad you've found great spots, map out our plan (but remember I'm old and afraid of most things...)