Saturday, August 8, 2009

Emmy and Daddy playing.

she loves to walk with him- she does better holding just one hand rather than two-
wait, did I say walk? I meant MARCH- as in I feel like I should put a baton in the other hand.

For some reason she thought that she should sit in this puddle- bless her heart!

Jason thought that this was very fun.


Stephanie Braithwaite said...

She is so stinkin' cute! said...

I am sending down some shoes.....

Jason looks great, you may want to feed the poor fellow though.

Clearly Emmy is having the time of her life playing with her dad.

I think you should team author a fun parenting manual.

Beach Borchardts said...

By team author dad means with him as the other member of the team
I love Jason and Emmy together! Too cute!! What precious times!

Jason looks so excited too! ha