Saturday, August 22, 2009

odds and ends of Dominican life!

What a fun day we had- here is Emmy loving her life...
Paige, me, Natalynn, and Liz - friends friends friends!

Bryce, Paul, David, Jason and Ben- even more friends!

Chips anyone?

please note the $74.95 price- yes that is in EC so it's only about $30.00- but still- are you serious?


Beach Borchardts said...

I love the friend pictures! So neat and what good friends sharing a cool experience!
The prices are incredible!! Miami will feel free in comparison!

bryce and paige said...

We are adorable; all of us!

Alex Acres said...

I remember those diaper prices.. I am so glad Alex is potty trained now! We have saved a lot of money from not buying diapers!

Pirssheng said...

Love it!! My mom always compares EC to US and sometimes the prices are crazy!!

Jamie said...

All those white boys need a tan! :-) said...

Great group of good looking Medical Students... I can only guess that is a super pack of 100 diapers. Do the locals use cloth diapers? And only the Medical student families use the throw aways? I still talk about the $9.25 EC, two liter bottle of Coke and the $10.75 EC bag of potato chips.
Slows down the couch potato activity and keeps you slim.