Thursday, August 6, 2009

Toucari Bay

Emmy loves the beach!

with her little friend Xiomara


nicole said...

okay so first of all why can't a come to the beach with you every single day.....i've had this anger inside for a long time cause I don't want to tell you how much I miss you everytime I talk to you but it's gotta come out! I can't handle it here without my friend Liz. We just match....I can tell you everything and you understand me and you'll go to di with me for hours and not care....and I just miss and love you. Emmy is so so so cute I can't handle it. said...

Emmy clearly is the leader and has a real understanding of the beach, nature, and sun in the black sand.
Emmy has to laugh at the blaze orange biceps and the less than fun way of staying out of the action.

Beach Borchardts said...

What a good life she has!! Lucky little girl!!