Monday, August 24, 2009

what a girl!

ok- Emmy's favorite thing in the world is my makeup bag- up until now I've just thought it was cute... until she found my foundation (the funny thing is that I don't even wear foundation... she must have emptied the whole bag and opened it)
yes she is covered- head to toe! her little outfit, legs, chin, arms and hands- wow. not to mention all of my makeup is covered and the floor as well! ha - she is so funny!

6 comments: said...

How firm a foundation......
Ha, She has the look in the picture of knowing she was in trouble. One can never anticipate how and what she will figure out next. Danger, danger, danger, good looks, smart, and full of expression. She could not have a better foundation.

Unknown said...

Okay - I shouldn't put this on the blog...but....Jordan also loves his mommy's make-up. When I have him I put him in the tub and give it to him... otherwise, I get in real trouble as he scampers through the house with her stuff! Now unrolling TP is the funnest game! OH, did I mention we have six bathrooms??????

Her in the bows is just too cute! We learn SO early! Still am amazed at the gorgeous locks!

Jessie said...

i love it! :)

Stephanie Braithwaite said...

LOL! This is funny because Jacob likes unpacking my make-up bag too! :)

bryce and paige said...

Oh my word! Aren't you so glad this didn't happen when you had just moved into your brand new house and it was on carpet instead. (actually that probably will happen someday)-so typical, I just love her!

nicole said...

Ha that's so so so cute! I put pictures up just for you so look at them NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW I keep checking to see if you commented lol because I know you check my blog the most so hurry up. Just kidding, I know you're enjoying time with your hubby so I understand, and to add I did take FOREVER to put up new pics...however i stayed up till 3 in the morn. last night doing it and now's it's 2...what's wrong with me I don't know anyways love you guys kiss emmers for me and tell her I miss her. Oh I don't want to make you sad or anything but today was one of those days where I just needed my LIZ.....oh my gosh!!!!!!!! I Told Rachel I miss Liz..there's just no one like her. We can go do whatever all day and it's perfect...we just work together whether it's DI for 2 hours or what it justs fun and I don't have anyone to do that with anymore...come back NOW Sorry I know you prob. dont' wanna hear all that but I can't help it I just miss you:)