Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dave and his spiny urchins...

ok- so, Dave needs to make money while he is here- so that he can pay for school...
one of his MANY money making endeavors is to catch, boil, clean and then sell Spiny urchins...

yes, he really has sold some of them and I think his sales will pick up when everyone goes home for Christmas and will need to bring island gifts- these are nasty little fellows when they are alive though- they are appropriately named and actually try to poke you (at least I believe that the one I was playing with a while ago really did try to poke me with his HUGE needle spine) and when they poke you they put some kind of pain inducing poison in you...needless to say this is dangerous work!


Michigan Roys said...

Did you eat them? How did Dave not get poked? Crazy kid but obviously having fun!

The Miller Family said...

I know a spouse on the Island who may be intrested in buying some. Her name is Chrislyn and her husband is Kevin, I think their last name is Morris.

Beach Borchardts said...

You need to charge alot for those when I see the amount of work (and clean up afterwards)that involves! Clever clever boy! xo

ronborchardt@yahoo.com said...

Great, fun and good thinking....
Reminds me of the saying I chipped away that which was not part of the statue.

Good creative and fun...

Jessie said...

i want one, post some AFTER pics. :)

nicole said...

Dave's so cute:) tell him great job and he's amazing and tell him that when he decides to come visit St. George next time he should say hello to us so he can see Helaman.

Jamie said...

Are you sure you just didn't brush a black dog and put the hair on a spoon? I have to say, this might be a conspiracy.