Monday, October 26, 2009

i saw 10 yes, 10 rainbows today!

These are only 3 of them- but I had such a great day- 2 doubles! Are you serious?!


bryce and paige said...

I saw one of them too! Amazing... And so are YOU for posting every few hours! My goal is to be a super-blogger just like you someday! Thanks for being my blogging hero.

Carrie said...

Hi! I am Carrie from mamasgoingtobuymeamockingbird! Sorry I haven't responded to any of your messages but I didn't see a way to email you from my blog! Anyway, thanks for reading my blog and I just bookmarked yours on my blog reading list!

nicole said...

so beautiful....I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!

Michigan Roys said...

They were amazing! Quite the storm we had last night too! Wow! Fortunately all my kids slept through it, even though it felt like the lightening was striking in our backyard.

Jessie said...

those were beautiful yesterday. :) i bet there will be lots more today too. i love it here.

Beach Borchardts said...

That's a perk of living in
"Dominica-the island of rain and sun" ha! What a treat! You are always on the watch though! Hey, if you find the pot of gold, let me know!! said...

Excellent photos of the Promise to not flood the earth again... A sign of wonder and always reminds us of our Heavenly Home and Heavenly Parents. Finding the pot of gold is not as hard as recognizing the pot of Gold and being smart enough to enjoy what you have found when you have found it......

Jamie said...

I would be happy with one rainbow, lucky you!