Sunday, November 15, 2009

Emmy in another Dress from Grammy= the most BeAuTiFuL one year old I know!

She is CRAZY and we love her so much :)


McArthur Family said...

ok, she is the most darling little thing! love the video, love the b-day cake pics, love the adorable dress, love hearing your beautiful voice talk to her so sweetly...miss that voice in my life.

honestly, you guys made one beautiful little girl.

Beach Borchardts said...

love that girl and the dress is perfect! said...

Crazy cute,
It is fun having a little personality that adds so much to the family. The neat skill you have as parents is to understand the qualities of your children. Not fearing their friendship or their strengths allowing them to be who they are while keeping them safe as they learn.. Good work you both are wonderful parents....

Chelsea said...

She is looking really big lately... no?

ps. and of course beautiful!

Grammy said...

Okay, in this case, the GIRL makes the DRESS! So beautiful w/those crazy blue eyes (like her mommies!)

nicole said...

okay that dress is sooo so so cute on Emmy....or I should say Emmy looks so amazing in that dress what a beautiful girly