Saturday, January 23, 2010

moments of the day :)

little miss serious
my beautiful life :)

taking her climbing to new levels- how much higher could she get?!


Alex Acres said...

Beautiful Pictures!!!

bryce and paige said...

amazing photographer, you are! emmy is completely talented in acrobatics! she amazes me!

bryce and paige said...

amazing photographer, you are! emmy is completely talented in acrobatics! she amazes me!

Stephanie Braithwaite said...

Wow! I love those pictures. They are so beautiful!

Beach Borchardts said...

Climb every mountain!!!! What a kooky! I can't wait to have her climbing all over Florida! xo

Josh and Kelly said...

Wow, I am now very jealous of your photo taking skills- I tried to take pictures of that exact same view last week, and needless to say, didn't post them ha ha.

Jamie said...

In the pictures of the tree branches, bottom right hand corner- I couldn't figure out what that was at first where the sun used to be... a giant monster rising out of the ocean? A pirate ship? A tornado? NO, a bird.