Wednesday, February 10, 2010

#1 Beach is appropriately named!

great sign-
after a FUN day...

little tired Emmy-aaaaaahhhh.

and this is why!
oh, wait- maybe I should be the tired one.
this could be my new fav. pic- HILARIOUS!

Our life is pretty sweet.

chowing down on the beach- it's what we do.
Amber's life was sweet for a week too :)

Emmy loves her Auntie Amber.


Unknown said...

Hooray for #1 Beach with my #1 Friends!! P.S. the mirror picture is still my fav - so tired and innocent!!

Jessie said...

i LOVE LOVE LOVE the sandy forehead pic of emmy. please put that in a picture frame. :) LOVE it!

Josh and Kelly said...

It is #1! Thanks for introducing us. I love our lives too!!!!

Sarah said...

Love the pics, love #1, appropriately has an e, and you aren't allowed to leave the island for six weeks. okay that is all.

bryce and paige said...

Love all the pics ESPECIALLY the one of you holding emmy and you're looking up and smiling, SO CUTE!

Carrie said...

ha, #1 beach! Love the mirror pic and that pic of her with the sand on her forehead made me laugh, she has the cutest her swimsuit too!

Beach Borchardts said...

Did she land on her head?? How did that even get there?? I think the mirror shots should be entered in a contest somewhere-waaaaaaaay cool! I love all the water shots-she'll dry in St G!! She'll have to live in the bathtub! I'm glad Amber decided on a Dominican adventure!! Brightened up the month that's for sure!!