Thursday, February 11, 2010

Indian River~the actual river and the start of the walk home.

the Happy Hiker and the Indian River.
here we are playing in the river.

we ran into some cute natives and they gave us cacao-
you can probably tell by my face that I don't love it-
but Emmy and Amber do!
here are the natives showing off :)
oh, and then they gave us a coconut opened by a machete-
ahhhhh the island life! This was such a fun hike-
everything great about the island-
Dominica LoVeS Amber. the end

here is Emmy RUNNING down the trail- the naturalist continues.

Amber and Emmy hiking their lives away- FUN times!

my favorite Amber&Liz pic from this trip- it was just such a fun day- we both look cute and the coconut made it in to the pic!

Emmy and I collected lemon grass for Auntie Amber's tea-
it was a very granola moment and I think Amber almost cried.

Here Emmy and I are feeding a horse on the way home-
yes it's small- but oh well.

lemon grass could I not include these pics?!

so- there are some cool plants here that close when you touch them-
here is the before and after of Amber toudhing them-
she obviously loves them as much as I do.

here we are with the front view of walking home-
she is a crazy dancer until the camera comes on.

here are the plants- so neat.


Beach Borchardts said...

WOW!! I love all of these!! Amber and the happy hiker shirt was just too perfect!! Who owns something that says happy hiker?!?! I love it! So Dominican adventure!! I love the videos and the lemon grass (that's fruitloop grass isn't it?) yummy!! I love nature and in Dominica it's at its finest isn't it??

Unknown said...

Of course I own a Happy Hiker shirt! ;) Love this post!!! Truly the most perfect hike to experience Dominica and the budding naturalist!!!

Carrie said...

You gals are having too much fun- I am guessing she is your sister? :)