Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sadly... Emmy HaTeS the Easter Bunny!

we started with Emmy and Mom with the Easter Bunny.
(she rejected the sit cutely alone idea)
She still didn't trust him...

I tried to put her alone with the Bunster-
but Emmy FREAKED so Uncle Josh saved her :)

Here is the one alone shot and yes- she is staring him down.

still nervous- even after we had left. :)


Carrie said...

Well at least she isn't crying in any of them! Heheh. I must say, that is the most unique Easter Bunny I have ever seen... love the pic where she is staring him down!

Jessie said...

i love that she is staring him down! so funny!

The Fredericks said...

America is so new to her she probably figured he was for real!

Grammy said...

Can you imagine being that little with a giant bunny coming to life??? Pretty scary! BUT adorable!