Saturday, December 18, 2010

Flashback!- Halloween post :)

ok- so, I am visiting family in Utah and California and haven't uploaded any pictures yet- but I was thinking about what I still needed to blog and I found THESE pics! Thank heavens I looked back- because I would have missed 1/2 of Halloween!
Jason's AMAZING pumpkin- a Jack Skelington pirate ship- LOVED it!
we went to a fall festival- such fun times :)
It's a comfort to know that if Jason hates being a Dr.- he can be a professional pumpkin carver~
Josh's AMAZING ALLIGATOR- wow- the talent in my family is unreal!
enjoying a Hallow's Eve cookie :)
Emmy loved carving this year- I loved her apron.
Last year we carved a Dominican pumpkin/squash- which was green-
and last year, Jason was studying for a mini- so it was just 11 month old Ems and I - wow what a difference a year makes!
this year, we were in America, carving orange pumpkins, with my family, and Emmy loved every second-
she thought that the seeds and the "gucky guts" were the very coolest part~
J was excited to again join in the festivities!
I thought this pic with Uncle Josh- might just be the cutest picture ever!

kissing the pumpkin...
I would title this picture "Halloween Delight" :)


Beach Borchardts said...

I'm glad these weren't forgotten! They are so pretty and festive! We loved sharing!

McArthur Family said...

Seriously, those pumpkins were AmaZing!

BTW, Josh is so big! How old is he now?

How are you feeling? You're getting closer and I'm sure you just can not wait to hold the little one in your arms instead of in your belly!

Josh and Kelly said...

So so cute!!! I love this and love it even more now that we get to be in America and do stuff like this too!!!