Thursday, December 2, 2010

Major progress (thank heavens that Emmerson loves bunnies!)

Emmy found a Disney character who she isn't horrified of- you guessed it- Thumper and Mrs. Bunny!!
I don't know why the obsession with rabbits in general- but I'm getting excited for Easter-
Emmy not only posed for the picture- she HUGGED each of them and then tried to follow them "home to check on their babies" when they needed their 10 minute water break- bless Disney's workers' hearts...
Friendly Pluto however~ remains enemy #1.


Jessie said...

i'm impressed that she likes ANY of those huge characters. they are SO big compared to her. also, i totally copied your header pic... hope you don't mind. you inspire ME. :)

Josh and Kelly said...

HILARIOUS. And, I can't even handle her in those boots.

Grammy said...

Who wouldn't love the bunnies? Very cute~!

Unknown said...

Where on earth did you meet Thumper? I have never seen these bunnies in real life!

Beach Borchardts said...

I didn't even know they were characters at Disney! Delightful!