Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Photos, Pictures X 100!

Our FL photo shoot- it was FREEZING and Emmy forgot that she could smile- but our amazing friend STILL managed to get some great shots!
Three generations of girlies- so fun!
Emmy with Booky and Papa :)
The "Borchardt Clan" Stari, Dan, Ryan and Titan- Booky, Papa, Josh and Dave- Me, J and Emmy.
All of the Grandkiddies- so fun!
The first time together in 2 years- the last time was Emmy's blessing- I love Christmas for so many reasons- but getting together is one of the best!
Emmy and Mommy- aawwwww!
Isn't this just the coolest picture- I kind of wish that Ems had smiled- but I like her little serious face too ;)
Emmy, Momma and Penelope Jane- how fun that we are going to have 3 girls in the same family- 2 has been the record for 6 generations on BOTH sides of my family :)

Let's just say that Booky and Papa were in heaven this Christmas!


Carrie said...

Those are amazing pictures. I especially love the one of you and your DH kissing in the background and the one of Em kissing your belly.

Cindy Lane said...

you have such a gorgeous family(:

Beach Borchardts said...

Hip hip hooooorah fr family time!! I'm glad we took the effort to recod it! Who knows when it'll happen again!

Beach Borchardts said...

ps-Why didn't someone photoshop off my 40 chins-don'tcha just hate that???

Mandy said...

LOVE all the family pics! You look GREAT by the way! But, you're always lookin' gorgeous! Hope you're feeling well!
oh did I tell you I loved your pics??? :)And your little Emmy is so STINKIN' cute!! I know I say that all the time, but she IS!

Sarah said...

Cute pics. Emmy is getting so big. I bet you are getting really close to your due date!