We went to this VERY fun place- Emmy got to hold her first chick and duckling-
and Chicken- obviously, the most exciting- maybe because it was as big as she was!
Uncle Josh was the hero of the day and caught everything so that Emmy could enjoy it.
and hug it- she was all about the animal hugging...
Emmy is so brave- she just goes in there with what to her should be MONSTER sized animals and pets-hugs-sits down with-and feeds them. (with the help of Booky- it is amazing having Booky around because Emmy gets to have all of these experiences and I get to take pics of it- without it being a dangerous situation- we LOVE Booky!) anyways- she is fearless!
She also did an amazing job of being gentle- or "chaantle" in Emmy-ese...
Emmy also got to ride her very first pony!!! she LOVED it thought that she was all that- so fun.
1 day until baby!! :) hooray hooray!
We love the green meadows petting farm!! So many fun animals to love on!!!
I love petting zoos! How fun!
I keep hoping we will see pictures of Ellie!! As I'm sure you are... but, these are pretty darn adorable anyway. LOVE her face on that horse, she owns it.
Her expressions are priceless! She is fearless because of her MOTHER, her father not-so-much...
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