Wednesday, March 16, 2011

6 weeks- Elle Belle's 1 month pictures!

I saw this idea online- you take a pic of the baby in a onsie saying their age- ADORABLE!
so- I'm doing it- poor Ems- I'll just have to show her all of the gorgeous Dominica pics to make her feel better.
and I'm sure that you are admiring the DARLING blanket in the background...some friends made it- could I be blessed with more talented people in my life? I don't think so.
I had to post all of these- because again- Penelope is EDIBLE!

She really could not be more precious (as Emmy says) or more beautiful- or sweeter- we are so blessed to have 2 WONDERFUL girls!


Jessie said...

oh man!! i would have LOVED to have had that idea for each months pictures... maybe with this next one. :) very cute pictures. she really is so sweet. and i love emmy's little hands in a few of the shots. i can tell she must be your biggest helper. :)

Borchardt's said...

Love them!! She is so cute!! How cute that one of your girls has the cutest blond curly hair and the other has the cutest dark long straight hair..Thats like my dream for my girls! ..if i ever have any.. How fun!!
I LOVE the blanket!! could you get that pattern because i would love to make one like that!

George and Tacie said...

She is so Beautiful! Both your little girls are just Gorgeous!!! Emmy looks like so much fun!!!

Robbie + Carly said...

How fun! Can't wait to have my own new little one. Snuggle her for me!

Josh and Kelly said...

She is so adorable!!!! And looking more and more like her sister every day.

Grammy said...

Great idea, and gorgeous pics! The blanket is amazing, cutest I've ever seen! Kiss her for me!

Unknown said...

I love the blanky!! too cute and so perfect for Ellie!