Thursday, April 21, 2011

THE CIRCUS has come to town!

and the most amazing party goes to.... Stella! yes- this was the invitation- are you kidding me?!

there was a puppet show.

swingin on the "trapeez"

carriage- yes, carriage rides.

gift giving AND Pedro the pony petting

photo shoots WITH animal masks.

there was trampolin jumping~

popcorn, cotton candy, cupcakes and hotdog eating~

there was juggling~

animal crackers were the party favor- of course they were~

and THESE were the cupcakes and THAT was the party hat- are you KIDDING ME?!

THANK YOU Brookie and Stella for the funnest party ever!


Michigan Roys said...

And how are they going to top that for the 2nd birthday? Wow! What a fun party!

Beach Borchardts said...

That girl is a PAAAAAARTAAAAAAAAY planner!! Such fun! I'm glad I crased and went along!