Monday, June 13, 2011

Elles at 3 months

not only is she the cutest girl (along with her sister) in the world- but Ellie is now 4 months old- I'm month or more behind on my posting but I wanted this to be in my blog book someday-
Elle is a doll- honestly the best baby ever- so fun, sweet and easy. She is a delight to be around and the WHOLE family is in love with her!
oh! update on us- we got Kearn- more details to come- but I'm so happy for Jason- it's the program her really wanted- hooray!


Beach Borchardts said...

Ellie is a dream!!! Too cute for words!! Glad she's back with her Booky!!!

Carrie said...

Love the monthly pictures of her. She is SO cute!!

Gina Moody said...

Ellie is so gorgeous! I just can't believe it...she is like a darker haired Ems. Congrats on Kern! I know how hard it is to get in there, so Jason should be really, REALLY proud of himself. Sad though that we won't be having dates at the Atlanta Aquarium, and going back to DWorld. I know that someday we will be reunited...maybe in NYC for graduation?? Congrats you guys... feels like we are all growing up, doesn't it?